How to Whitelist on
Get GAMEIN token with the lowest price.
Whitelisting your BSC address on Gameinfinity is easy.
Note: Before you go ahead you must have at least $5 worth BNB in your BSC wallet
Whitelist and win 100 Meta Points
Note : You can use BSC , ERC or MATIC ( Polygon ) network to pay
Step 1: Open your BSC Wallet browser ( Metamask, Trustwallet, Binance, Safepal.. etc )
Step 2: Enter the link or Click ‘ Join Dapp “
Step 3: Select “Your wallet and Register with Username “
Step 4: Submit -> This will deduct a one-time whitelist fee of $5 worth BNB.
Success! You have successfully Whitelisted your address with Gameinfinity and now you get
- 1 Year of unlimited access subscription
- Participate in Private Sale
- Free 100 Meta points ( Play game, Buy NFT, and Convert to GAMEIN )
- Enjoy Play to Earn Games
For any support on Whitelisting, feel free to reach us on direct support on telegram
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About GameInfinity is a Web3 gaming and NFT metaverse with Interesting P2E games and tournaments. The project also brings in a game NFT that reward holders everytime the game is played
GAMEIN token is the native token of and works as the Network fee and soon be the Global gaming currency.
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